pySpeedy main module


Returns the Path to the example bc file.


Returns the Path to the example SST anomaly file.


Speedy model.

class pyspeedy.Speedy(**control_params)

Speedy model.


Constructor. Initializes the model.

For a complete list of the accepted initialization parameters, see: set_params().


Get the shape of an state variable.


Transform the grid u, v, t, qv, ps, and phi fields to the spectral domain.


Run the model between the start and the end date (defined in the instance start_date and end_date attributes).

Before running the model, the boundary conditions need to be set (see the set_bc() method).

callbacks: iterable of callback functions

Sequence of callback functions to be call every history_interval time steps.

set_bc(bc_file=None, sst_anomaly=None)

Set the model boundary conditions from a Netcdf file. If no file is provided, the default boundary conditions from the original SPEEDY model are used.

The boundary conditions file (bc_file) should contain the following fields:

  • Time invariant (lon, lat):
    • orog: Orographic height [m]

    • lsm: Land sea mask fraction. Values between 0 and 1.

    • vegl: Low vegetation cover (fraction). Values between 0 and 1.

    • vegh: High vegetation cover (fraction). Values between 0 and 1.

    • alb: Annual-mean albedo (fraction). Values between 0 and 1.

  • Climatological values for each month of the year (lon, lat, month):
    • stl: Land surface temp (top-layer) [degK].

    • snowd: Snow depth [kg/m2]

    • swl1: Soil wetness (layer 1) [vol. fraction, 0-1]

    • swl2: Soil wetness (layer 2) [vol. fraction, 0-1]

    • swl3: Soil wetness (layer 3) [vol. fraction, 0-1]

    • icec: Sea-ice concentration (fraction). Values between 0 and 1.

    • sst: Sea surface temperature [degK].

In addition to the climatological fields, the SPEEDY model requires the sea surface temperature anomalies with respect to the the climatologies (lon, lat, day): These anomalies are loaded from the file specified in the sst_anomaly keyword, and it should contain the following field:

  • Anomalies fields (lon, lat, day):
    • ssta: Sea surface temperature anomaly [degK].

By default, the anomalies available in the original SPEEDY model are used. Note that the anomaly fields should cover the simulation period.


The exact shapes for the invariant fields are: (lon, lat, month) = (96, 48, 12)

The SPEEDY boundary conditions are included in the pySPEEDY package. This climatology was derived from the ERA interim re-analysis using the 1979-2008 period. Also, the example data provided in the pySPEEDY package include the monthly SST anomalies from 1979-01-01 to 2013-12-01 (Y/m/d).

set_params(diag_interval=180, start_date=datetime.datetime(1982, 1, 1, 0, 0), end_date=datetime.datetime(1982, 1, 2, 0, 0))

Set the model’s control parameters.

diag_interval: int

Interval, in time steps, for which the diagnostic variables are saved.

start_date: datetime

Model start date.

end_date: datetime

Model end date.


Transform the spectral u, v, t, qv, ps, and phi fields to the grid domain.


Return an xarray DataFrame with the current model state.


Returns the Path to the example bc file.


Returns the Path to the example SST anomaly file.