pySPEEDY model state

Name Fortran type Fortran dimensions Description Time dimension Units Xarray dimensions
current_step integer None Current model step. None None None
vor complex(8) (mx, nx, kx, t_levs) Vorticity None None ['mx', 'nx', 'lev', 't_levs']
div complex(8) (mx, nx, kx, t_levs) Divergence None None ['mx', 'nx', 'lev', 't_levs']
t complex(8) (mx, nx, kx, t_levs) Temperature None None ['mx', 'nx', 'lev', 't_levs']
ps complex(8) (mx, nx, t_levs) Log of (normalised) surface pressure None None ['mx', 'nx', 't_levs']
tr complex(8) (mx, nx, kx, t_levs,ntr) Tracers (tr(1): specific humidity in g/kg) None None ['mx', 'nx', 'lev', 't_levs', 'ntr']
phi complex(8) (mx, nx, kx) Atmospheric geopotential None m ['mx', 'nx', 'lev']
phis complex(8) (mx, nx) Surface geopotential None None ['mx', 'nx']
u_grid real(8) (ix, il, kx) eastward_wind None m/s ['lon', 'lat', 'lev']
v_grid real(8) (ix, il, kx) northward_wind None m/s ['lon', 'lat', 'lev']
t_grid real(8) (ix, il, kx) air_temperature None K ['lon', 'lat', 'lev']
q_grid real(8) (ix, il, kx) specific_humidity None None ['lon', 'lat', 'lev']
phi_grid real(8) (ix, il, kx) geopotential_height None None ['lon', 'lat', 'lev']
ps_grid real(8) (ix, il) surface_air_pressure None None ['lon', 'lat']
precnv real(8) (ix, il) Convective precipitation, total None None ['lon', 'lat']
precls real(8) (ix, il) Large-scale precipitation, total None None ['lon', 'lat']
snowcv real(8) (ix, il) Convective precipitation, snow only None None ['lon', 'lat']
snowls real(8) (ix, il) Large-scale precipitation, snow only None None ['lon', 'lat']
cbmf real(8) (ix, il) Cloud-base mass flux None None ['lon', 'lat']
tsr real(8) (ix, il) Top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation (downward) None None ['lon', 'lat']
ssrd real(8) (ix, il) Surface shortwave radiation (downward-only) None None ['lon', 'lat']
ssr real(8) (ix, il) Surface shortwave radiation (net downward) None None ['lon', 'lat']
slrd real(8) (ix, il) Surface longwave radiation (downward-only) None None ['lon', 'lat']
slr real(8) (ix, il) Surface longwave radiation (net upward) None None ['lon', 'lat']
olr real(8) (ix, il) Outgoing longwave radiation (upward) None None ['lon', 'lat']
slru real(8) (ix, il,aux_dim) Surface longwave emission (upward) None None ['lon', 'lat', 'aux_dim']
ustr real(8) (ix, il,aux_dim) U-stress None None ['lon', 'lat', 'aux_dim']
vstr real(8) (ix, il,aux_dim) Vstress None None ['lon', 'lat', 'aux_dim']
shf real(8) (ix, il,aux_dim) Sensible heat flux None None ['lon', 'lat', 'aux_dim']
evap real(8) (ix, il,aux_dim) Evaporation None None ['lon', 'lat', 'aux_dim']
hfluxn real(8) (ix, il,aux_dim) Net heat flux into surface None None ['lon', 'lat', 'aux_dim']
tt_rsw real(8) (ix, il,kx) Flux of short-wave radiation absorbed in each atmospheric layer None None ['lon', 'lat', 'lev']
phi0 real(8) (ix, il) Unfiltered surface geopotential None None ['lon', 'lat']
orog real(8) (ix, il) Orography None None ['lon', 'lat']
phis0 real(8) (ix, il) Spectrally-filtered surface geopotential None None ['lon', 'lat']
alb0 real(8) (ix, il) Bare-land annual-mean albedo None None ['lon', 'lat']
forog real(8) (ix, il) Orographic factor for land surface drag None None ['lon', 'lat']
fmask_orig real(8) (ix, il) Original (fractional) land-sea mask None None ['lon', 'lat']
xgeop1 real(8) (kx) Constant 1 for hydrostatic equation None None ['lev']
xgeop2 real(8) (kx) Constant 2 for hydrostatic equation None None ['lev']
stl12 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Land surface temperature monthly-mean climatology None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
snowd12 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Snow depth (water equivalent) monthly-mean climatology None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
soilw12 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Soil water availability monthly-mean climatology None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
veg_low real(8) (ix, il) Low vegetation fraction None None ['lon', 'lat']
veg_high real(8) (ix, il) High vegetation fraction None None ['lon', 'lat']
soil_wc_l1 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Soil water content: Layer 1 None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
soil_wc_l2 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Soil water content: Layer 2 None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
soil_wc_l3 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Soil water content: Layer 3 None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
sst12 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Sea/ice surface temperature None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
sea_ice_frac12 real(8) (ix, il, 12) Sea ice fraction None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
sst_anom real(8) (ix, il, 0:n_months+1) Observed SST anomaly (input). n_months None ['lon', 'lat', '0:n_months+1']
increase_co2 logical None Flag for CO2 optical thickness increase None None None
compute_shortwave logical None Flag for shortwave radiation routine (turned on and off in main loop depending on the value of nstrad) None None None
air_absortivity_co2 real(8) None Absorptivity of air in CO2 band None None None
flux_solar_in real(8) (ix, il) Flux of incoming solar radiation None None ['lon', 'lat']
flux_ozone_lower real(8) (ix, il) Flux absorbed by ozone (lower stratosphere) None None ['lon', 'lat']
flux_ozone_upper real(8) (ix, il) Flux absorbed by ozone (upper stratosphere) None None ['lon', 'lat']
zenit_correction real(8) (ix, il) Zenith angle correction to (downward) absorptivity None None ['lon', 'lat']
stratospheric_correction real(8) (ix, il) Stratospheric correction for polar night None None ['lon', 'lat']
qcloud_equiv real(8) (ix, il) Equivalent specific humidity of clouds None None ['lon', 'lat']
rhcapl real(8) (ix, il) 1/heat capacity (land) None None ['lon', 'lat']
cdland real(8) (ix, il) 1/dissipation time (land) None None ['lon', 'lat']
stlcl_obs real(8) (ix, il) Climatological land surface temperature None None ['lon', 'lat']
snowdcl_obs real(8) (ix, il) Climatological snow depth (water equivalent) None None ['lon', 'lat']
soilwcl_obs real(8) (ix, il) Climatological soil water availability None None ['lon', 'lat']
land_temp real(8) (ix, il) Land surface temperature None None ['lon', 'lat']
snow_depth real(8) (ix, il) Snow depth (water equivalent) None None ['lon', 'lat']
soil_avail_water real(8) (ix, il) Soil water availability None None ['lon', 'lat']
stl_lm real(8) (ix, il) Land-model surface temperature None None ['lon', 'lat']
fmask_land real(8) (ix, il) Fraction of land None None ['lon', 'lat']
bmask_land real(8) (ix, il) Binary land mask None None ['lon', 'lat']
land_coupling_flag logical None Flag for land-coupling (0: off, 1: on) None None None
rhcaps real(p) (ix, il) 1./heat_capacity (sea) None None ['lon', 'lat']
rhcapi real(p) (ix, il) 1./heat_capacity (ice) None None ['lon', 'lat']
cdsea real(p) (ix, il) 1./dissip_time (sea) None None ['lon', 'lat']
cdice real(p) (ix, il) 1./dissip_time (ice) None None ['lon', 'lat']
fmask_sea real(p) (ix, il) Fraction of sea None None ['lon', 'lat']
bmask_sea real(p) (ix, il) Binary sea mask None None ['lon', 'lat']
deglat_s real(p) (il) Grid latitudes None None ['lat']
hfseacl real(p) (ix, il) Annual-mean heat flux into sea sfc. None None ['lon', 'lat']
sstom12 real(p) (ix, il, 12) Ocean model SST climatology None None ['lon', 'lat', '12']
sstcl_ob real(p) (ix, il) Observed clim. SST None None ['lon', 'lat']
sicecl_ob real(p) (ix, il) Clim. sea ice fraction None None ['lon', 'lat']
ticecl_ob real(p) (ix, il) Clim. sea ice temperature None None ['lon', 'lat']
sstan_ob real(p) (ix, il) Daily observed SST anomaly None None ['lon', 'lat']
sstcl_om real(p) (ix, il) Ocean model clim. SST None None ['lon', 'lat']
sst_am real(p) (ix, il) SST (full-field) None None ['lon', 'lat']
sstan_am real(p) (ix, il) SST anomaly None None ['lon', 'lat']
sice_am real(p) (ix, il) Sea ice fraction None None ['lon', 'lat']
tice_am real(p) (ix, il) Sea ice temperature None None ['lon', 'lat']
sst_om real(p) (ix, il) Ocean model SST None None ['lon', 'lat']
sice_om real(p) (ix, il) Model sea ice fraction None None ['lon', 'lat']
tice_om real(p) (ix, il) Model sea ice temperature None None ['lon', 'lat']
ssti_om real(p) (ix, il) Model SST + sea ice temp. None None ['lon', 'lat']
wsst_ob real(p) (ix, il) Weight for obs. SST anomaly in coupled runs None None ['lon', 'lat']
sst_anomaly_coupling_flag logical None Weight for obs. SST anomaly in coupled runs None None None
ablco2_ref real(8) None Initial absorptivity of air in CO2 band (t=t0) None None None
fband real(8) (100:400,4) Energy fraction emitted in each LW band = f(T) None None ['100:400', '4']
alb_land real(8) (ix,il) Daily-mean albedo over land (bare-land + snow) None None ['lon', 'lat']
alb_sea real(8) (ix,il) Daily-mean albedo over sea (open sea + sea ice) None None ['lon', 'lat']
alb_surface real(8) (ix,il) Combined surface albedo (land + sea) None None ['lon', 'lat']
snowc real(8) (ix,il) Effective snow cover (fraction) None None ['lon', 'lat']
rad_flux real(8) (ix,il,4) Radiative flux in different spectral bands None None ['lon', 'lat', '4']
rad_tau2 real(8) (ix,il,kx,4) Transmissivity of atmospheric layers None None ['lon', 'lat', 'lev', '4']
rad_st4a real(8) (ix,il,kx,2) Blackbody emission from full and half atmospheric levels None None ['lon', 'lat', 'lev', '2']
rad_strat_corr real(8) (ix,il,2) Stratospheric correction term None None ['lon', 'lat', '2']
lon real (ix) longitude None degrees_east ['lon']
lat real (il) latitude None degrees_north ['lat']
lev real (kx) Vertical sigma coordinate None None ['lev']
mod_geometry class(ModGeometry_t) None Geometry module instance None None None
mod_spectral class(ModSpectral_t) None Spectral module instance None None None
mod_implicit class(ModImplicit_t) None Implicit module instance None None None